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Alexandra Mora Becomes President of the NOCDC.

The New Orleans Citizens Diplomacy Council elected Alexandra Mora as its President earlier this year. Walter Wolf was voted in as a returning board member.

The New Orleans Citizen Diplomacy Council (NOCDC) is a nonprofit membership organization that arranges professional appointments and cultural activities for approximately 500 international leaders sent to New Orleans annually by the U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program and other professional exchanges.

The NOCDC is one of approximately 90 councils in the U.S. and the only council in Louisiana.

The mission of NOCDC is to promote citizen diplomacy — the notion that the individual citizen can help shape U.S. foreign relations “one handshake at a time.”

NOCDC members are offered the opportunity to host visiting international leaders for dinner at their homes, a great way of traveling the world from your living room!

Image: Attorney Alexandra Mora and her family host two Fulbright scholars for dinner through the NOCDC.